Rachel Breen

USA, Piano
2024 Scholar

Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
The Juilliard School, New York, New York, USA

First Prize Hans von Bülow International Competition, 2023
First Prize Bosendorfer International Competition, 2023
Finalist, Honens International Piano Competition, 2022
Finalist, The Beethoven International Competition Vienna, 2021

‘It's impossible to overstate what a life-affirming and stimulating experience it has been to share this week in France with the Imogen Cooper Music Trust. Getting to work in depth with such an experienced and generous musician is a rare gift. Our lessons left me deeply inspired, as did the time spent with my dear friend and colleague, Anthony Ratinov! All of this doesn't even begin to mention the warmth and character of our hosts and other trustees, as well as the unparalleled beauty that is Provence. This is an experience I will never forget, and I very much hope that someday I'll be able to give back in the same way to young musicians.‘

Contact Details: rachelbreenpiano.com

Future Performances

  • Programme:
    John Bull Fantasia on Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La Stravinsky Petrushka

  • With Sergey Belyavsky

    Schumann Kreisleriana
    Rachmaninoff Sonata no. 2
    Liszt Etude no.1
    Czerny Etude op. 299 no. 8
    Rachmaninoff Etude op. 33 no. 3
    Ligeti Etude "White on White"
    Scarlatti Esercisi per Gravicembalo K27
    Debussy Etude for the repeated notes
    John Bull Fantasia on Ut Re Mi Fa Sol La
    Stravinsky Petrushka

  • Masterclass and concert, programme to be announced

  • Korngold Suite for Left Hand Piano and Strings With Bill Barbini et al


  • Korngold Suite for Left Hand Piano and Strings With Bill Barbini et al


  • Solo Recital for Music for Minds


  • Solo Recital


  • Works by Barber, Anthony Philip Heinrich, Bernstein, Stravinsky, Adams, Rachmaninoff/Wild, Sondheim, and Gershwin